Creating memories to last a lifetime.

I have had a passion for photography, and was always the one at school with her camera.  I took it everywhere, even had to take my grandma's (which she wasn't a fan of) until I got my own.  Prior to my grandmother Daily's passing I was not one who had been exposed to death.  I was seventeen when she died, so obviously I knew what death was, it had just never happened so close to me. For those who don't already know, I lived with my grandma since before the age of five.  She raised me, along with my grandpa Daily, and loved me more than I even knew.  I have kids now, so now I know, but before my children I had no idea.  Since then, what has been over nine years now, I have had quite a bit of time to figure out what that meant to me, and how I could use it to make lives better.  Unlike today, we are not promised tomorrow.  This never meant so much to me until August 11th 2001.  We only have this very second, this one right now, that has now passed and on to the next to cherish our lives and those we love.  My grandmother was one who did NOT like her picture taken, or her feet touched for that matter. :)  Although now that she is gone I have rummaged through everything I could to find as many pictures of her as I possibly could.  I had never thought about having a picture of her before she died, and now would give anything to have more than just the handful that I have.  I definitely learned my lesson.  When my other grandmother, Gram Byrd was diagnosed with Cancer, and we realized that it was not good, I requested a "family photo shoot".  My dad, stepmother, and myself all gathered family, and I brought along a camera and we had an amazing dinner, fellowship, and LOTS of pictures with Gram.  Within a few weeks she was gone, and now we have those pictures to cherish forever!  I am so blessed by that!
The family that came out for our last
 family visit here on earth with Gram.

My Grandma Byrd
My words here are definitely not meant to scare you, or make you start thinking "what if".  That is not necessary.  I feel as though we are not in control to think "what if".  My hope is that this will help you to realize how precious life is, and with life we are not promised our loved ones, not even the next day.
My goal is to allow you to have those moments that we can't get back.  Moments that with photography we are able to freeze, and hold onto forever when we may not have that person to hold on to any more.
I also do not want my prices to scare anyone away, I do feel as though they are reasonable for some, but maybe not be for others, and are definitely not carved in stone.  I want so much for each person who wants a picture to have a picture, no matter what!  I am willing to work with you, and do what I feel necessary to make that happen.  Please, Please let me know if you are not able to afford what I have listed so that we can talk, and make it happen.  Also, those who can afford it, please be honest, and fair.  I am pretty soft hearted, and gullible you could say.  I really just love helping people, and seeing them smile! I hope this all makes sense, and I will be able to capture your lives, and we can "Embrace Photography" together. We should all have pictures of those we love and care about.

Love God, Embrace Beauty, and Live Life to the Fullest.   ~ Kyle Lake
